Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries Biotechnology Program
We shall promote the safe and responsible use of modern biotechnology and its products as one of the several means to achieve food security, equal access to health services, a sustainable and safe environment, and industry development.
“We shall ensure that all technologies that we promote, including modern biotechnology, will provide farmers and fisherfolks the opportunity to increase their over-all productivity and income; enhance the welfare of consumers; promote efficiency, competitiveness, and improved quality standards of local industries – all within the paramount objective of attaining safely and sustainable development, including its human, social and environmental aspects.
– National Policy Statement on Biotechnology, July 16, 2001
Submit Proposal
The DA Biotechnology Program Office invites interested agencies/organizations/institutions to submit project proposals for funding consideration."
"The Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries Biotechnology Program of the Department of Agriculture (DA Biotech Program) recognizes the need to have more scientists and researchers in the field of agricultural biotechnology.."
Frequently Asked Questions
Stay up to date with our latest news and events with the Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries Biotechnology Program of the Department of Agriculture (DA Biotech Program).
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